Rmpp Unit 4

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Learning Outcomes Achieved

  1. Appraise the professional, legal, social, cultural and ethical issues that affect computing professionals

Seminar 3

This week, a seminar will be held involving questions on research ethics. I have created a slide presentation on it, wherein I answered the questions.

By completing this activity, I achieved learning outcome 1 because I had to reflect on how research ethics can affect people indirectly (in this case study, the Records deparment and Ricardo). Getting involved with research can mean that you need to follow many research requirements, even if you’re not a co-author or contributor. I will apply this knowledge to my research proposal assignment- for the research proposal, I noticed that students are required to explain ethical concerns of their research and how those concerns have been addressed. My research might have a similar concern, so it is good to keep this case study in mind.


Seminar Slides